Matt's custom welding lansing, Michigan

Matt's custom welding

lansing, Michigan, United States
Call Fabricator Now +9896667348

About Edit About

Here at Matt's custom welding their is no job too big or too small. I pride myself on quality work and quick turn around rate. Our pricing depends on each individual job and will discuss with customer. I have been welding for around 15 years now and have been in the metal industry for quite some time. I have built snow shooting machines for the Russian Olympics back five years ago. I have welded numerous parts for various customers across Lansing ranging from air lift to spartan motors. Either give me a call or shoot me a text, whatever you prefer, and we can start building your next project.

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Services Edit Services

  • Custom Fabrication
  • Custom Parts
  • General machine/welding job shop

Equipment Edit Equipment

  • 4-1/2" Grinder with buffing wheels
  • 250 Amp 220 MIG Welder or larger with gas
  • Chop saw, abrasive or cold saw
  • Belt sanding coper/notcher
  • Hydraulic Press Brake
  • CNC Table Cutting

Price Edit Price

$300 for 1 bumper $500 for 2 bumpers  

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Please note:

Although we support local fabricators, listing them here does not mean we are vouching for the quality of their work. Customers must do their own research on each fabricator to ensure quality and service. MOVE is not responsible for any issues that may arise.

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