Odd Fab KC Kansas City, Missouri

Odd Fab KC

Kansas City, Missouri, United States
Call Fabricator Now +9139994547

About Edit About

I have an extensive skill set and could potentially build you anything! I strive to produce quality, this means no cutting corners! My welds are aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound. For an extra fee I will travel (within 50 miles) and build your bumper at your house. Thank you for considering me for your build!

Services Edit Services

  • Custom Fabrication
  • Custom Parts
  • Portable welding service

Equipment Edit Equipment

  • 4-1/2" Grinder with buffing wheels
  • 145 Amp 110 MIG Welder with gas
  • 250 Amp 220 MIG Welder or larger with gas
  • Belt sanding coper/notcher
  • Hydraulic tubing bender

Price Edit Price

$70/hr $100/hr mobile $100 powder coating

Contact Odd Fab KC

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Please note:

Although we support local fabricators, listing them here does not mean we are vouching for the quality of their work. Customers must do their own research on each fabricator to ensure quality and service. MOVE is not responsible for any issues that may arise.

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