Maker-Table Metal Springfield, Tennessee

Maker-Table Metal

Springfield, Tennessee, United States
Call Fabricator Now +6156092017

About Edit About

Since the invention of the Bessemer process in 1850, metal shaping and fabrication has been limited to heavy industry and infrastructure projects. Leaving the cheaper materials like wood and plastic for domestic use. Steel was simply too difficult to work with and required huge, expensive equipment to process efficiently. Today, computer controlled torches and tool positioners make the process much more efficient. Our CNC plasma table uses no tooling or special dies, it relies on computer code instead of specially machined jigs. This allows us to modify our designs based on your needs not the other way around. We don't have to make 10,000 of the same thing, we can make 10,000 things differently. Metal fabrication is no longer measured by the ton, it's available for everyone.

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Services Edit Services

  • Custom Fabrication
  • Custom Parts
  • Hydraulics
  • Repairs and Services
  • General machine/welding job shop
  • Off-road shop

Equipment Edit Equipment

  • 4-1/2" Grinder with buffing wheels
  • ac/dc Stick Welder
  • 250 Amp 220 MIG Welder or larger with gas
  • Chop saw, abrasive or cold saw
  • Hydraulic tubing bender
  • CNC Table Cutting

Price Edit Price

Shop Rate $65/hr Plasma Cutting Rate $120/hr

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Although we support local fabricators, listing them here does not mean we are vouching for the quality of their work. Customers must do their own research on each fabricator to ensure quality and service. MOVE is not responsible for any issues that may arise.

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